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Annual membership is acquired automatically when a course is booked.



To apply for a place on a course, either email stating the course(s) on which you wish to be enrolled, or you can complete the application form found HERE.  You can apply for as many courses as you wish.  We will email confirmation of your place(s). Place(s) will be reserved for you subject to you remitting the appropriate fee within ten working days.  Payment may be made by bank transfer (preferred) or cheque.


Cheques are to be made payable to “Learning for Pleasure, Brentwood” and sent to:


The Course Administrator

35 Worrin Road



Essex CM15 8DH

Together with your cheque, if applicable (see PAYMENT opposite).


Please note that your cheque may take some time to clear as they are banked in batches.

You will be contacted immediately if a class is full.

If you require written confirmation please include a stamped, addressed envelope.



By bank transfer (preferred) to our bank account:

      Name:  Learning for Pleasure (B/wood)

      Sort code:  60-19-09

      A/c number: 96610123


When paying by bank transfer, please include the attendee’s full name as the payment reference.

In connection with ZOOM based courses, please note the following:

  • The email address you use to apply for a place on a ZOOM lecture will be the one we will use to send the ZOOM link and joining instructions. Please add our email details to your email “Contacts” list or “Address book”.  BT email users must also set us up as a “Safe Sender”.   

  • Zoom is more reliable when you have downloaded the App and set up a free Zoom account.

  • The Zoom link will be sent at least 2 days before a lecture takes place.  Please check all your Inboxes including “Other”, “Junk” and “Spam”.  If you have not received the link the day before the lecture, please email

  • When joining your class, please tell the group your name.  This will enable the Learning for Pleasure Registrar for the class to note that you have attended, as well as letting the lecturer and others know who you are.

  • Lectures are not recorded.

  • Learning for Pleasure, Brentwood, cannot be held responsible for the non-delivery of lectures for circumstances outside its immediate control e.g. the failure of your equipment, power outages, failure of the internet infrastructure or the actions of one or more internet provider.


Up to date Membership details:

Please email any changes to your address, telephone number or email address to the Course Administrator at 
Please also tell us if you wish your details to be removed.



Please see the Classes page for individual fees.



Concessions are available.  Please contact the Course Administrator on:

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